4 Ways to Deal with Pre-Wedding Acne

There’s no good time for pesky pimples to pop up, but breaking out right before your wedding definitely takes the cake as one of the worst possible scenarios. If you find yourself in this seemingly-sinking boat, have no fear—not all hope is lost. There are plenty of foolproof ways to clear your complexion before you walk down the aisle. Check out the 4 best ways to deal with pre-wedding acne that will guarantee picture-perfect skin.

Be Diligent About Washing Your Face

For a wedding-ready complexion, up the ante on your face washing. What might seem like a monotonous part of your daily routine can actually make a huge difference on your skin. Cleanse twice a day: first thing in the morning, and then right before you go to bed. It’s especially essential at night to ensure you’re removing all your makeup and any built-up oils that have accumulated on your skin throughout the day.

Wear Less Makeup

Your go-to foundation might have chemicals you didn’t even know were taking a toll on your skin or clogging your pores. If you’re in the midst of a breakout, going au naturale for a few days can give your skin some room to breathe and recover. No matter what, though, it’s incredibly important to thoroughly remove all your facial cosmetics before bed.

Watch Your Nutrition

Be extra cautious of what you’re eating in the months leading up to your wedding. Munch on plenty of fruits and veggies to give your body the antioxidants and nutrients it needs for fresh, clear skin. As hard as it is to let go of your guilty pleasures, steer clear of sugar and salty foods right before the big day. Your skin will thank you for it, and you can get a jumpstart on your pre-wedding nutrition regimen.


Your wedding is fast-approaching, which means stress alone might be the source of any unwanted acne. All things wedding-related will work out in the end, so take a deep breath and a step back. For the sake of your mental health and pre-wedding complexion, de-stress by setting aside some time for self-care. Treat yourself to a massage, meditate, or take a soothing bubble bath. Keep calm and take a wedding pause to get on the path to clear skin.

Edited by: Must Be Kismet

Source: 5 Ways to Deal with Pre-Wedding Acne | Brides